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Swiftcomplete Ltd Modern Slavery Statement

This Modern Slavery Statement is designed to satisfy the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, by setting out Swiftcomplete's approach to modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and labour rights violations in its supply chains.

We take our responsibility to prevent modern slavery and trafficking within our supply chain very seriously.

About Swiftcomplete

Swiftcomplete provides APIs and services to find accurate addresses, places and coordinates, and we work with various data suppliers who provide the data for our services.

Our commitment

Swiftcomplete is committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking.

When we purchase datasets and services, we recognise that we have the opportunity to influence good practices in the employment of people by other organisations.

We do not enter into business with any organisation which knowingly supports or is found to be involved in slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour.

Supply chain

We procure datasets and services from providers based in the UK and a handful of overseas suppliers.

We work closely with our suppliers to ensure they understand our values and obligations, and comply with our commitment to protect human rights.

When we procure new datasets or services, we require our suppliers to comply with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act and include appropriate contractual obligations within our commercial agreements.

Additionally, we require our providers to confirm that they have fulfilled their statutory requirement to have produced a Modern Slavery Statement (if they meet the criteria to do so).


We produce policies interally which relate to the Modern Slavery Act 2015, including: code of conduct, procurement & tendering, whistleblowing, disciplinary process and dignity at work.

These policies set the standards required of our employees and include the mechanisms which can be used report issues or concerns about Modern Slavery linked to Swiftcomplete taking place.

Due Diligence

We ensure that our employees are legally entitled to work in the UK, and that employment contracts are directly with the named individual.

We make our processes known to potential employees and suppliers to encourage good practice.

We require our suppliers to self-declare whether they meet the criteria set out in the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

We will continue to review our procurement processes to ensure we comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Risk Assessment & Training

The main areas of risk related to modern slavery at Swiftcomplete are with our procurement of datasets and services, and employing new staff members.

We make awareness training on the Modern Slavery Act 2015 compulsory, and promote routes for appropriate action in case an employee suspects modern slavery or human trafficking in any of our suppliers.

We also provide training for employees in procurement and recruitment to promote ethical employment practices.

Reporting concerns

If you have any concerns relating to potential cases of modern slavery linked to Swiftcomplete's operations, please report them immediately to hr@swiftcomplete.com.