Try our new integration builder
To simplify the developer journey, we've created a new integration builder, where you can download or try ready-made templates for common address and location integrations. Initially there are five integration templates to try, and we'll be adding further templates and code samples over the next few weeks.

Trying address autocomplete with Swiftcomplete's integration builder
I'm really keen to make it as quick and easy to try our address search technology as possible.
I find it frustrating when demos are hidden behind a contact form or sign up page - you should be able to get a feel for how Swiftcomplete could work on your site in seconds without needing to contact sales or schedule a call.
Our integration builder has live demos that you can try right away, with full code snippets and downloadable demo files to help you get started.
If you find a template that looks interesting, you can download it and use it as a starting point for your integration (you'll just need an API key to run it locally).